Buffalohair: Prophecies / Waking Up Stupid

Prophecies & Waking Up Stupid


The time of awareness has long passed and now we are on our own spiritually speaking. For those who took the hint, including moi, spirituality, spirits and everything that goes bump in the night ain’t nothing but a meatball, capice? If you have not achieved true spirituality within your respective dogma or ideological principals, hence forth you are screwed and destined to be one of the lemmings who will gleefully march to your own demise. Bummer huh…



Did you get the memo; “We are living in the era of dynamic change. It is effecting absolutely every level of existence and on every perimeter of the sciences, including the governments coveted secret whizzbang alien technologies, please shut off the coffee pot after break”? If not, you are not alone for prophecy dictated that a majority of Planet Stupid’s populations would also miss the memo, for what ever reason. Bet the coffee pot will be toast as well…



How many ruined civilizations with grandiose structures, pyramids and weird gadgets do we need to discover before we get the message they all failed. Mysterious marvels, cool gadgets, spiffy hieroglyphic and impossible masonry lay in ruins like their empires’, finito la musica paisan. Then there is ‘Crazy Hair’ and his ‘Chariots of the Frauds’ cronies bloviating about ancient alien connections with these failed civilizations. Maybe it’s a good thing, provided you connect the dots.



Hind sight is 20/20 and there will soon be plenty of ‘I should a, could a, & would a’ to go around after the necessity of a practical understanding in spirituality becomes all to apparent. Spirituality is not just about bowing your head and burning candles or incense while whispering sacred passages in traditional stoicity with your favorite ribbon shirt on of course. There is a day to day practical aspect of spirituality one must grasp first, like not being a wide-eyed drooling spaz around other spirits, gawd!



The reality is, many folks would pray to the first spirit to move a drum stick out of a Chicken Delight BBQ Special or float around the back yard in color coded galactic boxers (yellow to the front & brown to the back), declaring themselves G*D’s or Architects of Humanity, Universe & Hockey, as if. You must get a handle on Spirits 101 before you can even deliberate between good and bad spirits in the first place.



Since I’m an Indigenous dude I follow the traditions & customs of my people so I have my routine in dealing with folks from other planets & plains of existence and all the hullabaloo in the spirit world. Other dogmas and ideological principals have their routines in dealing with the spirit world & rowdy residence and they all work just fine. It’s no secret but one must be cognizant of these tools that exist within their ilk for they are there. I know cause I read them in YOUR scared books homie.



Don’t matter if your dogma requires the sacrifice of Hebrew National Hot Dogs over burning acacia wood while buck naked, dripping in lamb lard and singing Barry Manilow songs. If that’s the tradition/custom within your respective path, it’s Copacabana time. What is most vital for ones survival in the future is that you adhere to the tenets you ascribe & enjoin in with absolute faith and walk in a good way. There is only one Creator, not some tyred subcontractors, the spirits that make excuses.



Barry Manilow songs?



As a side note; when one subtracts the human weaponizing factor from all dogmas one finds an enriching path of enlightenment rich in humanity, lessons of life one should learn & adhere to. Reference to ‘Holly Wars & Killing in the Name of G*D is man made and not of the Creator. Those are the words of kings justifying their wholesale murder of innocent people under the guise of G*D & Religion to steal land & natural resources, just ask Mass Murderer Charlemagne, ‘First Land Grabber of Europe’.



True spirituality transcends all Earthly religious dogmatisms, ideologies, prejudices and assumptions. One becomes keenly aware that we all walk the same path spiritually if our endeavor is in a good way. That only here on Earth we were poised with the challenges of gender, race, greed and faith, scoring a Fail in the process. Now that many dimensions of existence are interfacing more each day with ours, including the spirit world, it is imperative one has a trusted spiritual connection, like yesterday.



Funny part about it is the fact all respective dogmas purport such a spiritual connection right from jump street, including Lucifer, Goddess Kali and the rest of the bumpkins of darkness. We all should know by now that the Christian’s designated bad guy ‘Satan’ is only one of many spirits that roam the darker reaches of balance within the hinterland of the spirit world. Another irony is that all these dogmas share many prophetic events within this era, which brings up yet another point.



Prophesies are regional when it comes to finite details, geography & colloquialistic aspects of the culture it is addressing. Just cause your prophecy does not have all the bells and whistles other prophecies have, it does not mean your prophetic ideology is incorrect, it’s just location, location, location. What tribe of people and where did the original prophecy come from? That should be an indicator as to where specific whizzbang events would occur here, there or everywhere.



From the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh, Utnapishtim and his giant ship ‘The Preserver of Life’ to the Torah’s Noah and his Arc, either the Sumerian’s experienced the big flood or the Yahuds did, but maybe they both had a flood? Who really knows for sure, but within Semitic prophetic teachings, the next disaster to send that region back to the stone age will NOT be by flood. So, other options of death and destruction are wide open. We have variety, Plague door 1, Mega-quake door 2, Famine door 3.



Can I spin the wheel?



Prophecies of mine and other cultures didn’t mention floods or the end of humanity during this era of great flux. Along with garden variety of disasters our prophecies cautioned about foreign visitors & destruction they would bring to our people. We did have a flood of sorts, the dam burst in Europe flooding Turtle Island with illegal immigrants from England, France, Spain & Portugal. And with them, disease, death, lies and deception. For all intents and purposes our New World Order has already begun, yours is just starting.



Within prophecy it was foretold man’s efforts to rule the planet would be successful but there was a catch. Whence their imperious dream came to fruition it would also be the demarcation point of their expeditious demise for Mother Earth would steal the show and close the curtain on man’s ambitions. As for their fake G*D or alien counterpart, he and his ilk are just as screwed as humans, lock stock and tomahawk. But if you already had a true spiritual connection you would know all that stuff and more.



As for aliens, extraterrestrials or what ever you call’em, they are just folks from another Mother. Some Star People are good and some are total butt cracks as we see on Planet Stupid. What kind of imbecile would give earthlings the technology to destroy the Earth and Humanity then gain the title ‘Benevolent Beings’?!? Bovem de Stercore!! Space dudes are space dudes not G*Ds, holay!



The elements of the four directions have an open check book and infinite options to choose from when it comes to giving humans and their cronies something to whine about. But it’s the events that science has no words for that will grab the attention I’ll wager eh. Some folks relate the elements of the four directions to the 4 Horsemen of Biblical lore. Either way, these guys are packing some heat, ready to party and it’s Saturday night in the frontier town called Terra Mater. Hide the virgins, stash the weed!



So here is where I do a plug for all Dogma’s & Ideological Principals eh. I could give a flying crappola about the tint of your flesh, planet you come from or whether you’re a carbon based or sodium based life form, we all have the same spirit & spirit world whence we leave these plains of physical existence. And if you plan to survive the destiny of mankind & friends you had better heed my warning and seek out the truths you ignore within your own path, faith, dogma, etc. 



Just think, with a real spiritual connection you would have an early warning system that does not require a subscription or batteries. Know when disaster will strike your neck of the woods and know when to dab your doorway with lambs blood. WOW your friends by determining which spirits are cool and which ones are from the bowls of hell in the comforts of your own home. Deliver your people from bondage and much more! All it requires is absolute faith within the ideology of your of choice.



Maybe I should do infomercials about the absolute need and simplicity of true spirituality in the days and months to come. Only thing is, I have nothing to sell other than an idea. And my payment is not through VISA or Pay Pal but in knowing I’ve kept my word to Maheo, The Creator that I would share what I’ve learned in an effort to prepare humanity for the tumultuous times that lay just around the corner. 



Take it or leave it and call it all a bunch of Bovem de Stercore. 



I’m out of here.



Your Devil’s Advocate


Dividere la Storia

Buffalohair: Don’t Be Eclipsed by Nudniks From Space

Don’t Be Eclipsed by Nudniks From Space


Oh boy and yet another ‘once in a lifetime eclipse’ to write home about. Hmm, exactly how many once in a lifetime eclipses can civilization handle in one lifetime? Apparently as many as it takes to convince a lemming society that the ‘Sky is Falling’ & The Creator of the Universe is an alien named Ron-Duh. Just remember, eclipses were used to manipulate the ‘ignorant’ masses since time immemorial, Ask Merlin ‘The False Flag Magician’… So buyer beware.

As far as prophecy is concerned, it’s moving along like clock work. The fate of man and his galactic cohorts were already described in prophetic teachings, etched in stone and the fodder of oral traditions. TV’s ‘Crazy Hair’ & company spouts blarney about G*D’s from Space but sadly they are misinterpreting hieroglyphics and a library of prophetic teachings from around the world for they were warnings.

The Creator does not need ‘contraptions’ to whiz around the universe in, just low rent space guys. And if you think for one second the true Grand Architect of existence was dumb enough to share technology with Earth Bound Moronic Nudniks who kill innocent people for Oil & Gas, Land or Natural Resources, then you deserve what is coming. Whether you’re a corporate assassin or stockholder, you have blood on your hands and it is indelible.

If you paid attention to all these interpretations of prophetic teachings, they share one common denominator, THEY ALL FAILED BIG TIME. Does not matter who, what, when, where and how they failed but it is clear they went kaput for their empires lay in ruins. Egypt is a case in point but the list goes on throughout man’s history of greed. The contemporary era shares this destiny and the final outcome will be the same as the others.

Where are the Anunnaki now Crazy Hair?!? They are pushing up daisies like the rest of the galactic honyockers and their fancy schmancy empire lay in ruins, like the others. Their advanced secret technologies did little to save their asses, think about it. We are in the same boat homeboy/girl, but if you have your spiritual tool box handy, you’ll do just fine. But for the rest of you that pray to space debris, forget about it paisan, capice?

As for the eclipse, I’ll get some chores done while the sun is blocked, snap a few pictures. If the sky fills with little green aliens named Ron-Duh, I’ll have a good laugh for the joke is on them in the grand scheme of things.

But one thing is for sure, they ain’t no frigging G*D’s!

Your Devil’s Advocate



Click here to support LETS MAKE GLOBAL ART HISTORY organized by Carlos Buffalohair…….

Yes, The New Pup Reporter Loki, is behind this one! Stamp of Approval : Bear The Wonder Dog Approves!

Youth and their Art may have their own Museum / Gallery. A good start today With Their paintings!

Would each of us that are visiting these pages , be willing to send a USA Dollar / $1.00 for the International Children Artist Museum  AT ” Sitt Nyein Aye , Art and Culture Center ”  and help the Children send in their Art for Display and the selling their art for them, Around the World ?

Awe ……. Thank You so much!

Love, Ann



Carlos Buffalohair shared a link.
1 hr ·

Click here to support LETS MAKE GLOBAL ART HISTORY organized by Carlos Buffalohair
The Sitt Nyein Aye Art’s & Cultural Center Named for renowned Burmese artist/activist U Sitt Nyein Aye, this complex is actually a lumberyard set on two…
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The Sitt Nyein Aye Art’s & Cultural Center

Named for renowned Burmese Artist/Activist U Sitt Nyein Aye, this complex is actually a lumberyard set on two commercially zoned blocks (1 acre), with approximately 30,000 sq. ft. of covered space,  2 story building, warehouses, blab, blab, blab. The story of how we managed to score this primo piece of property is a story in itself for it was a hazardous journey.

Now we own it all, lock, stock and tomahawk but we face another daunting challenge, to bring the existing compound up to speed with regard to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Disabled People (CRPD), The International Disabilities Alliance (IDA) & The American’s With Disabilities Act (ADA).

Being that I am disabled as well as many of my friends I know the struggles a disabled person must endure during the course of just one day, both physical and the emotional aspects of our condition. I don’t simply want to comply with disabilities mandates, I want to embrace these mandates.

Lessons learned by the devastating Oakland Artist Collective Fire a few months back exposed the  critical need to address public safety from a variety of vantage points. What about the disabled people who would not be as ambulatory in escaping a fire? How would they escape & how would they survive?

Adding to our concerns is the fact we want to build an International Children’s Art Museum within this complex. How can we make this facility safe for everyone who enters this compound, especially kids? Toss in the myriad of shops, galleries and the visitors they will being to our complex and it is all to clear, Public Safety & Disabilities MUST be addressed from the very beginning NOT as an after thought.

After watching as our community races to comply with Disabilities mandates after the fact, spending millions to renovate and cobble ramps and doorways, we want to do things different and that is why I am here, to petition the global art community for assistance.

I mentioned 5 million dollars as the sum we would need to bring this arts center into compliance in the very beginning and believe me, this is a conservative estimate since fire mitigation is also necessary. So I am petitioning for the assistance from the international commercial sector as well as the citizens & artisans of the world in the evolution of this arts complex.

Along with funding it would be way cool to have engineers, architects and innovators in the field of Disabilities to assist in the construction of this arts complex. This could be a veritable showcase of  innovation   design that could revolutionize how we address the growing number of disabled clientele globally speaking.

Being that I am disabled I can safely say that it would be nice to be able to visit places that are accessible to the disabled regardless of handicap. To have freedom of movement and share in the beauty of art rather than wondering if your wheelchair will fit in the door. When I was wheelchair bound I hated crashing into people because there was no room on the walk path for me to pass.

Who would benefit from this Project? The Global Art Community & the disabled would by having another international arts and cultural destination. But for the disabled artists & entrepreneur this would be a blessing. To address the needs for the disabled from the very beginning would also open up opportunity for the disabled to get involved with this arts & cultural project from the very onset. Maybe have their own store or gallery.

The lumberyard is raw, ready for development and is prime for Innovations in the world of disabilities. This must be addressed before we can move forward. Addressing disabilities in the design & construction of this complex will save millions if we address this in the beginning. With the help of the global public and experienced professionals in the World of Disabilities this could be more than a real cool art & cultural center.

The Sitt Nyein Aye Arts & Cultural Center would be an international showcase or blueprint of how we can address the needs of disabled human beings in the future. Now that would make history in any ones book.

My mentor and dear friend the late Robert Perske championed the cause of the disabled and he continues to be my inspiration. If only he was here to see what I’ve gotten myself into now.

I know he would be proud…








Buffalohair: Prophetically Speaking; It’s Does Not Matter Who Won ANY Election

Prophetically Speaking; It’s Does Not Matter Who Won ANY Election

four horsemen 3

The election is finished and predictably everyone still has their boxers in a knot. Don’t know what all the fuss is all about. My candidate did not even get on the ballot. But from a spiritual perspective nothing has changed, prophetically speaking. So don’t empty out your ‘bug-out bag’ and dig up your shelter just yet boys and girls because the show has only just begun.

Though some people bask in victory while others languish in loss, prophecies far and wide continue to count coup almost daily as seemingly unrelated events transpire around the world. The fact Earth’s populations face a common enemy, global corporatists and their army of investors is the very manifestation of prophecy in it’s darkest of realities, humanity is under siege as prophesized. Connect the dots, it’s in your face so you surely can’t ignore it now but many choose too.

Most important thing we must realize is that there are no ‘footnotes’ in prophecies, period. It is what it is, blunt and to the point and nowhere in prophecy does man successfully alter their destiny. Within prophecy it is well stated we will face a rash of bogus and misleading interpretations of real prophecies from self described or shill oracles. The presence of these charlatans is in itself a sign or verification of the era we live, ‘The Time of Change’, no more no less. So buyer beware.

What people must grasp in order to survive the present & cope with the future is that pesky spiritual connection deal everyone seems to ignore all the time. This can be found within the context of your oral tradition, religious or ideological teachings. I’m not here to convert you, just wake your ass up. Don’t be a sheeple, be your own guide and find your spiritual connection with the Creator, and stick to it. Learn to stand alone against bad spirits since you will be alone when they strike.

You must make that sacred connection so you can tell the differences between spirits that will soon flood our level of existence. Many people are already freaking out over ‘seeing’ apparitions or hearing ‘voices’, gawd. Yeah, so they are already here, get over it. If you had your spirituality in order you would not be such a pantie-waist when some lame spook floated through your longhouse. All dogmas have ways of identifying good and bad spirits so learn now or pay the price later.

Surviving the new era ain’t nothing but a meat-ball paisan, capice? You don’t need another human to be your liaison with the Creator, G*ddess, G*D, Maheo, or what ever you call your sacred dude, Great Mystery or ????. Your connection with the Creator is a sacred one and this bond should be honored within your tradition. I walk the path of my people but in reality it’s nobodies frigging business. There are many paths that point the same way so don’t buy into weaponized religion, holy war crap.

Spirituality was never meant to be complicated, a marathon reading exercise, pilgrimage to Machu Pichu with the Dali Lama’s Uber driver Eloy or becoming a bald headed incense dealer at DFW. No matter what path you walk you must be totally confident and capable of standing alone. You will be alone at a very inopportune moment when you get confronted with bad spirits and you will be vulnerable. Your dogma holds the key to surviving and it requires absolute faith. So pay attention.

Don’t go ‘ga ga’ over spirits with bags of glitzy parlor tricks because that should be a sign or red flag this translucent douche bag is not a ‘cool’ or good spirit. Spirits that are basically good guys don’t run their mouths about how spiffy they are or give excuses. Just remember, any spirit can talk trash and spooky stuff, even the spirit of a dead wino. Also, beware of man’s holographic ‘Second Coming’ and other scams that will soon flood our conscious & skies. Just a PSYOPS crowd management tactic.

When it comes to your spirituality, you must learn in earnest how to use the tools that are available to everyone when dealing with bonehead bad spirits. Interfacing with the spirit-world is going to make some folks totally loose it. People are already following the orders of some pinhead spirits voice urging them to do stupid things. Clearly when this dimensional interface is in full swing nut jobs will be coming out of the woodwork on a global scale.

On a sidebar, for those who pray to alien types & share dark technology or what ever floats your canoe, terrestrial or extraterrestrial, lizard, gray or plasma beings are just as susceptible to the conditions that will plague us meat encrusted buttheads. They have a spirit too. Get over yourself, they are not G*Ds, just celestial meatheads playing out their hand with some very simple minded & petty beings called humans. Technology is a galactic trinket that is traded with primitive life forms in every universe.

The power of nature is universal and dynamic beyond words and natures laws govern existance. Once you’ve achieved a true spiritual connection and accepted our real reality it’s like a breath of fresh air. You come to be aware of other properties we all possess that enhance our perceptions. Identifying a bad spirit is only a matter of feeling their medicine, aura or essence. Telepathy is more an instant download. Rather than having a conversation, you get total understanding with no words. That is the real world or universe.

Just because you are having ‘premonitions, visions or fitful dreams does not qualify you for a medicine man certificate and a lifetime subscription to ‘I Shaman Magazine’ or anything like that eh. We all have medicine and this is the era our medicine awakens to the actual world around us. Spirits and space guys have been here forever, same with other anomalous beings that existed since time immemorial. Nothing has changed from an ancient oral traditions point of view Mr./Ms. Frybread.

So put away your gourd rattle and tie-died turkey feather fan homie. We all are getting more psychic or more perceptive. Our peripheral vision is not freaking out, we are seeing things zip by us or gawking back at us. It’s our frontal vision dimensional beings can detect eh. They’ve been there forever it’s just now we are able to ‘see’ more. And it’s going to get more obvious. The real challenge is in keeping away from everyone that is going gonzo over the presence of space guys or other beings.

Nowhere in prophecies was it mentioned man would save the planet or themselves for that matter. On the contrary Ma Earth will not be a happy camper and man will be a thorn in her moccasins. Revisionism in prophecy is spiritual political correctness, another word for a strategically placed lie or misconception. Beware of the messengers for they will come from all cultures and besmirch the notion of absolute faith and non violence. They will mock the most vital tool for survival, spirituality.

What should be apparent to a neophyte eschatologist is that prophecy is moving along just fine and ironically the more man tries to alter his destiny the faster it comes to pass. What was once the fodder of fairy tales is anchored in hard reality. Always has been. But from an indigenous point of view this is old news, well at least for us old buzzards. I heard some of these re-scripted new and improved prophecies and though they may sound fuzzy it’s bogus for nothing has changed in the real world of prophecies.

The US election is over and people are scrambling from one side to another like chickens in a coup chasing a farmer with a bag of corn. Does it really matter? In the grand scheme of things this is only entertainment and something to wile away time before the main event. Man has an agenda to pursue that will be made meaningless by more dynamic natural events. Again, nothing has changed as far as prophecy is concerned. If ever there was a time to honor ancient ways and teachings it’s now.

The secret to surviving the future was carved on rocks and the skin of lambs for eons. Oral traditions from throughout the planet have circulated in epic detail on how it was, how it would be and how to survive the future. This is not the first time Ma Earth had her season and whacked the inhabitance. So it should be a no brainer we need to prepare for the future, collectively if we plan to survive. Record high & low temperatures will be the harbinger of a long & deep freeze. That is our destiny.

Elitists have an underground universe in preparation for disaster stocked with food and supplies to last decades beneath the earths crust. Elaborate state of the art water reclamation and oxygen regeneration facilities abound beneath our feet. People already live and work there. So someone is taking prophecy seriously but the sad part is, we are not invited even though we financed their underground utopia. But we have 4g wifi.

Good part is we will not be buried alive when the earth shifts turning underground communities into tombs. Tunnels will also fill with magma & water as Ma Earth heals her wounds according to visions. They say everything happens for a reason. Or is it just poetic justice. Bottom line, you had better get your spiritual act together before you find yourself on the wrong side of prophecy.

Like an old man in a vision once said;

“A rich man will die of starvation in his sleep while using a sack of pinto beans as a pillow”

Bon Appetite’

Your Devil’s Advocate


Dividere la Storia

Message to the World From Standing Rock / Buffalohair




Buffalohair: Humanities Pilgrimage: Standing Rock North Dakota

Humanities Pilgrimage: Standing Rock North Dakota

a1-standing-rockStories abound about the Besieged Standing Rock Sioux of North Dakota, their struggle against the Dakota Access Pile Line (DAPL) or ‘Black Snake’ and endless western media prevarications. But while on assignment at the Oceti Sakowin Camp I also found another story. Granted, it was unexpected but it was also hard to ignore for it brought me back to the very essence of my core beliefs. In a way this became my personal pilgrimage.


From the moment you approach the Cannonball River one is taken by the size of the encampments on both banks. Then there is the line of traffic waiting to pass the security check point as supporters, supplies and lookie loos pile into camp. You must go through orientation and your credentials verified to acquire a press pass. Only after you met their criteria you are allowed to take videos and photographs in permissible areas with the permissions of the occupants.


It is advised you heed the warning about taking photos of sacred sites, camp fires, lodges etc. Though you may fool people and take videos of something sacred on the sly you are not fooling spirits of the spirit world. Everyone is watching you betraying your vow to honor a sacred tradition. And what timing eh. Nothing like doing something completely stupid & disrespectful during a spiritual event of this magnitude for no other reason than you can. How far beyond stupid is that eh?


If you are planning a trip to Standing Rock bare in mind this is a budding community not a KOA Camp Ground for this is home to many people who’ve moved to camp permanently. It’s a traditional native community intertwined with societies, clans and private aspects of indigenous life foreign to other cultures. Familiarize yourself with proper protocols and clearly defined tribal precepts of what is hallowed for there are no exceptions to this rule. Just show respect, ask questions, no biggie.


Our camp had a majestic view of the spotlights that would shine down onto camp throughout the night. A supporter commented, “Reminds me of the West Bank”, then I noticed the Palestinian flag. It was humbling to note people from around the world who were so driven by compassion they made the pilgrimage to Standing Rock. Through the rigors and excitement of the day a story began to evolve, a story of the human condition.


Though people came from many dogmas & ideological principals they understood the deeper significants this joining of cultures has in the grand scheme of things. Where other ‘signs’ were simply ignored or passed off as coincidence, the DAPL – Black Snake Debacle struck a cord within prophetic philosophies around the world. It was good to hear people speaking comfortably about the realities of prophecy, especially from a multi principled perspective.


What I found way cool was the younger generation I encountered. These folks were awake, aware and wanting to make a difference for humanities sake. They were up to speed in the issues that mattered. It was great to hear well read and knowledgeable young people sharing their observations in life, motivations and how much they cared for their fellow human beings & Ma Earth. And the skills they offered were off the charts professionally speaking, holay!


Various technologies were in review, including innovative housing, holistic medicalOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA and mental health facilities under construction within this sprawling encampment along the Cannon Ball River. I happened onto a yurt building class and was spell bound by this unique structure and it’s simplicity in assembly. But alas I resigned myself to my cousins dilapidated tent that survived a savage wind storm in a previous run to the rez. Some rope, Duct Tape and we were good to go.


“Mni Wiconi, Water is Life” the mantra of the Water Protectors would resonate throughout the camp as a reminder of what we are here for. The hustle and bustle of daily life was apparent as mothers would prepare meals and various groups would conduct meetings while kitchens prepared to feed the masses. Sanitation and other infrastructure services continued quietly and unnoticed in what could have been construed as total chaos. This was truly a ‘civil society’, well except for the Bluecoats & their toys peering down on us.


As I meandered throughout the camp I could not help but imagine how life was for my people back in the day. I pondered how life could have been, where humanity was an axiom not just a noun. My thoughts turned to the prophecies and oral traditions of my people. Then I remembered the teachings of my late uncle Martin Burnt Fingernail and the visions we shared. If only he could see this now, or maybe he already does.


Our wonderful view of flood lamps was overshadowed by a perfect amphitheater since I could hear drums from the meeting area and around camp. After walking around all day it was a joy to lay down and listen to sacred songs, prayers and sagged prophetic teachings from noble speakers.


In spite of all the chaos I did find peace of mind at the Oceti Sakowin Camp for I witnessed prophecy in motion.


Like I’ve said many times before, you better have a handle on true spirituality and know who your ancestors are because the show has only just begun…


Mni Wiconi Water is Life…


Your Devil’s Advocate



Denver Stands with Standing Rock ShadowCatcherPro



Denver Stands with Standing Rock ShadowCatcherPro

Published on Oct 29, 2016

March and Rally to bring attention to Wells Fargo and SM Energy, two corporations behind the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline opposed by hundreds of Indigenous nations now gathered along the Cannon Ball and Missouri Rivers in North Dakota in a common struggle to end the pipeline project and to protect the water for future generations of millions of water drinkers downstream from this location.

Native Woman Falsely Arrested & Tossed Naked in Jail

Native Woman Falsely Arrested & Tossed Naked in Jail


Saving Clean Drinking Water ND Police Tear Gas Guns Out On Road Blocking Cars

ND Police Tear Gas Guns Out On Road Blocking Cars



Tribe Members Shake Police Hands and give them flower buds!

Police Move Massive Army on Water Protectors Standing Rock Sioux Tribe

You Tube

Floris Ptesáŋ Huŋká / ShadowCatcherPro

Floris Ptesáŋ Huŋká / ShadowCatcherPro

Antonio Sanchez

 during a trip to Standing Rock over Labor Day weekend. Floris Ptesáŋ Huŋká has been involved with the Spirit Camps near the Cannon Ball River since the very beginning of the struggle to put a stop to the DAPL.

Floris Ptesáŋ Huŋká

Floris shares her concerns regarding the Direct Access Pipeline being opposed by her and many others who have amassed along the Cannon Ball River near the St…

Quotes of others concerns:

Washington tribes stand with Standing Rock Sioux against North Dakota oil pipeline


Washington tribal members encourage resistance against a North Dakota fossil-fuel project as a similar threat to developments they have opposed on their own ancestral lands.

Share story

They came by plane, bus and car, bringing food, songs and their finest regalia.

Tribes from across Washington and the Northwest have journeyed to remote Cannon Ball, N.D., to join the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in a peaceful occupation of ancestral lands where the tribe seeks an injunction to stop construction of an oil pipeline until its waters and cultural resources are protected.

At least eight tribes from Washington state — some have been through or are still engaged in similar battles of their own to block fossil-fuel projects on their own ancestral lands — have traveled to join the occupation. They are Yakama Nation, Swinomish Indian Tribal Community, Lummi Nation, Puyallup Tribe, Nisqually Indian Tribe, Suquamish Tribe, Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe and Hoh Tribe.

More than 1,500 people from 150 tribes and their supporters from around the country have gathered at the confluence of the Cannonball and Missouri rivers, staging a nonviolent protest at what they call a spirit camp.

Native Americans from reservations hundreds of miles around have joined the growing protest against the Dakota Access Pipeline, causing the company to temporarily halt construction.

The Standing Rock Sioux have sued federal regulators for approving the pipeline, which will take crude oil from the Bakken oil fields in North Dakota to Illinois and cross the Missouri River just upstream of the reservation. The pipeline will pass through Iowa, Illinois, North Dakota and South Dakota.

The tribe argues that the pipeline would impact drinking water and sacred sites on its 2.3-million-acre reservation straddling the North Dakota-South Dakota border, harming thousands of residents on the reservation, and the millions of people who rely on clean drinking water downstream.

The tribe seeks an injunction from a federal judge — a ruling on which could come as soon as early September — to block further construction.

Most recently in the Northwest, the Lummi Nation defeated the proposed Pacific Gateway bulk terminal on its ancestral village site and burial grounds at Cherry Point in Whatcom County after the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers denied permits for the project on the basis of its threat to treaty-protected fishing rights.

“We have seen the success our friends from Washington state have had in their battles to protect treaty rights against the transport of fossil fuels,” David Archambault II, chairman of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, said in a prepared statement this week. “Their support is crucial in the protection of land, water and cultural resources as well as all of our sovereign rights … words can’t express how thankful we are.”

In traditional white buckskin regalia, and standing with a heap of fresh, fragrant cedar from Washington, JoDe Goudy, chairman of the Yakama Nation, in a welcome ceremony at the camp Tuesday said: “We, along with people of all walks of life, are observing a peaceful and prayerful gathering to move an entire country. … One voice, one heart, and one spirit to speak for those things that cannot speak for themselves.”

Tim Ballew II, chairman of the Lummi Indian Business Council, said in a phone interview from the camp that for his people, the protest is an opportunity to join forces in a common cause felt not only by Indian people but all people concerned for the well-being of the Earth.

“We hope to show a sign of solidarity for their efforts, to protect their sacred sites,” Ballew said of the Standing Rock Sioux.

He noted that support from other tribes and the broader community helped the Lummi succeed in their own efforts to protect their ancestral village site. “We couldn’t have come as far as we did without the help and support from our neighboring native nations, and all the support from throughout Indian Country. We thought it would be good to come out and pay the same respect.”

The United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues is calling on the U.S. government to allow the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe to have a say regarding a $3.8 billion oil pipeline that it says could disturb sacred sites and impact drinking water for 8,000 tribal members.

In a statement issued Wednesday, the forum’s chairman, Alvaro Pop Ac, called for a “fair, independent, impartial, open and transparent process to resolve this serious issue and to avoid escalation into violence and further human rights abuses.”

The forum provides U.N. representation to indigenous people around the globe.

Seattle Mayor Ed Murray wrote Chairman Archambault on Aug. 26 “on behalf of the City of Seattle to express our solidarity in opposition to the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline across your territory.”


Lummi carvers also arrived at the camp this week with a totem pole, part of a journey undertaken by Lummi tribal members and supporters across Indian lands to protest fossil-fuel transport projects. Photos and videos of the journey are posted regularly on Facebook.

Their journey began Aug. 23, as the House of Tears Carvers of the Lummi Nation began a 5,000-mile trip across the Western United States and Canada with a 22-foot totem pole strapped in a pickup truck. The journey is intended to bring attention to proposed fossil-fuel terminals, oil trains, coal trains and oil pipelines, and to the tribes and local communities in their paths. The journey, including the arrival of the totem pole in the spirit camp, is chronicled online on the project’s website.

At the camp Tuesday, Brian Cladoosby, chairman of the Swinomish Tribe and president of the National Congress of American Indians, said in a prepared statement: “The clean water, salmon, buffalo, roots and berries, all that make up the places that First People have inhabited since time immemorial, bind tribes together.

“We are a place-based society. We live where our ancestors are buried. Our culture, laws and values are tied to all that surrounds us, the place where our children’s future will be for years to come. We cannot ruin where our ancestors are buried, and where our children will call home.”