Help Your Body Kick The Toxins With This One Drink

Help Your Body Kick The Toxins With This One Drink

Here’s the deal. There really isn’t one simple glass of anything that’s going to clear your body of toxins.

The Best Foods and Herbs to Cleanse Your Kidneys

The Best Foods and Herbs to Cleanse Your Kidneys – The kidneys are major organs in your body and are responsible for important functions. Cleansing your kidneys helps to eliminate toxins, improve urine flow and improve overall kidney function. Find here the…

Detox Your Liver With This Kickass Liver Detox Juice

Detox Your Liver With This Kickass Liver Detox Juice

Ah, the liver. One of our most impressive organs. Our livers never rest. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, our livers are trying to detoxify and neutralize all the harmful crap we put into our bodies.

Eye-Opening Evidence: Baking Soda & Coconut Oil Can Kill Cancer

Eye-Opening Evidence: Baking Soda & Coconut Oil Can Kill Cancer

After three surgical procedures resulted in the cancer returning worse each time, the mother yielded to Azizo’s urging. She mixed the…

500 showers heated from one small compost pile how to tutorial

110-Year-Old Man Says These 5 Foods Are Essential For Longevity

He got a good head start before getting fiber via the air he breathes? Jag.


110-Year-Old Man Says These 5 Foods Are Essential For Longevity

110-Year-Old Man Says These 5 Foods Are Essential For Longevity Posted on Posted on 23 December 2014 by Mike Barrett A man named Bernardo LaPallo is over 110 years…

So What Are the 5 foods?

  • 1. Garlic – If you aren’t already a fan of garlic, you will likely load up your kitchen with the food after reading all it has to offer. From preventing cancer to detoxifying the body, to treating ailments like a toothache or cough, here are some of the health benefits of garlic.
  • 2. Honey – Honey has long been among the top superfoods used to treat countless health conditions and boost overall health. This amazing bee-product possesses antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic, and antioxidant properties – making it one of the most beneficial foods to consume.
  • 3. Cinnamon – Particularly rich in fiber, manganese, and calcium while being used for thousands of years as a flavorful spice and medicine, cinnamon truly has made it’s mark in numerous cultures. It can be especially helpful in aiding with diabetes, preventing cancer, and halting arthritis.
  • 4. Chocolate – The real, unadulterated form of chocolate, derived from the Theobroma cacao tree, is a heaven-sent super food that can keep us healthy even as we indulge in its delectable taste. Real chocoalte is packed full of plant-derived flavanols, full of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory constituents and health-boosting ingredients that do all sorts of amazing things for our bodies and minds.
  • 5. Olive oil – Olive oil is rich in beneficial fats which keep both your heart and brain healthy, preventing cognitive decline and risk of cardiovascular disease.

Cell Phone Tablet Users This Is For You To See!

We no longer have a Clear Blue Sky Folks! I know you have not looked up ward in a long time:( Or even look at real people in the eye much any more. You rather text them then even talk to them on the phone let alone face to face:(  Well a lot has been happening!


Bear The Wonder Dog Gives This A Paws Up! Film Awards: “Look up” the Movie: Official 2015 Trailer


Hey People! What about us? We like clean air to breathe, too !



Dig out your black light and see the gleaming shimmer in the nights sky  along with other fibers . What is it is that glows like glitter?




Why are they spraying us with Dry Red Blood Cells?

Check in with Ann Little Running Deer ….. Wild Stuff going on over at her Blog! WOOF!  Now that’s  entertainment in Real Time!!!!!!









So you are having your breath follow you for miles, in this long line before it then turns into a haze in the sky? Yeah Right!!!!!!



Natural Air Purifying Himalayan Salt USB Lamp. Humidifiers in home to protect from Chemtrail air?

Natural Air Purifying Himalayan Salt USB Lamp. Humidifiers in home to protect from Chemtrail air? Real Humid places or on the beaches can not be Chemtrailed she says? Hummmm.

Chemtrails In Ensenda Mexico???


Marina Realty Rosarito Beach Mexico KSLA news confirms Chemtrails http://www….

If electric goes out? Salt Tea Candle Holder works same way:)


Hummm Family protection? Growing plants food indoors or In side Green Houses. Stay indoors:( Live under a Dome! Air and water filters for the home. Out side wearing wide brim Hats, goggles to protect eyes, Filter nose mouth mask, garden gloves, long sleeves, long pants all to protect your skin. How sad such a day would come to this!

Foods and herbs are just not going to get rid of metal chips or plastic chips smart dust out of your body? Right? Wrong? And what is with the dry Red Blood Cells? ewwwww Can green cilantro / parsley type herbs and a raw Apple clean those out?

How to get rid of chemtrail and other toxins

How to get rid of chemtrail and other toxins

Charles Littleleaf Native American Flutes


I was still a young boy when we moved out of our tipi here on the Warm Springs Reservation that was situated along the Shitike Creek. We moved into a small house that my mother bought for $100. This house was relocated to our small piece of property we had here on the rez.

It was very strange to open my eyes first thing in the morning to a box house, in comparison to a tipi. There were no more fires to wake up to, and the sound of the river was no more. It seemed that our old way of life was gone forever.

My older brother started Kindergarten and had to walk 1 mile to his classes every day. I felt sad when he would leave for school because I had to stay home all day. I often wished I was old enough to go to school, with him.

One day, my brother felt sorry for me and asked if I would like to go to with him to his Kindergarten class. I said yes, of course, and was one happy little guy. So he took my hand and off we went, on the 1 mile hike to school.

When we arrived at his class, I was seated beside my brother, sharing his milk and graham crackers. It wasn’t long, maybe minutes, before I fell in love with school.

But all was short-lived. The teacher escorted me to the door and told me to go home.

So I found myself standing outside, alone. I then decided to find my way back to our house even though I had never been at this school before. I remembered crossing a river. So I proceeded to walk away, enjoying my new adventure to find my house and my mom.

As I started walking along, on the outside of the school property, I noticed a lot of older boys standing at attention on campus. They were being reprimanded by a mean sounding white man who was yelling at them for no apparent reason. I thought he must have captured those boys and they were his prisoners. I had no idea that they were attending a government boarding school, or even what a boarding school was at that time.

At this point, I was getting concerned by all of this, at the vulnerable young age of 4. All I knew is that I did not want to be captured and forced to stand there with them. I walked slowly in their direction, thinking that if I walked slow and quiet, they might not notice me. I had no choice but to go that route because I knew my home was somewhere in that direction.

All of a sudden, that mean old man saw me. He began to holler at me, saying ‘Hey!!!’. He scared me and I stopped in my tracks, not knowing what to do next. He said very loudly.,.. ‘Come here!!!’. I then took a step backwards. With each one of his commands, I retreated step by step, because I refused to go with him. Once again he yelled at me…. ‘I said COME HERE!’, and it was more than clear to me that he was extremely angry.

So, I started to run across a field towards a steep hill that goes to the river. That mean old guy then ordered all the boys to get me and bring me to him. I ran as fast as I could, for all I was worth. To me at that age, I was running for my life.

When I neared the crest of the hill, I looked back and saw about 50 boys coming after me. Some of them were big and could run fast so I had to think quickly. I came upon a trail that led to the bottom of the hill and I let the boys see me turn left on it so that they would think I was on the trail heading to the river. When I disappeared from their sight, I immediately turned right to get off the trail.

I then crawled into some sage brush and worked my way to the top of the hill. I laid silent and still. Several of these boys ran right past me and continued down the hill while others ran over the hill thinking they would cut me off at the bottom near the river.

As I laid there under the sagebrush, quiet as a mouse, I heard voices all over the place, coming from below the hill. They were again at the bottom of the hill while I was at the top. It sure was a relief to me.

I then peeked over the hill and didn’t see anyone so off I went, along a path where no one could detect me. I knew I had to get to the road that crosses the river in order to get home.

When I finally made my way closer to the bridge, I saw police cars patrolling the area. I realized that I had a new problem. I had to cross the bridge without being seen. Police cars were everywhere.

I finally made it to the lower side of the bridge but had to make my way across it by scaling the outside of the structure, hidden from view. Whenever I heard a car coming, I would freeze and hold still, hoping that anyone going by would be looking up river.

I finally made it across the 100 ft. bridge. I ducked into the cattails along a small creek that I was familiar with. I then felt safe enough and proceeded to sneak home.

When I arrived, my mother was gone. I was the only one home. But I was happy. After that day, I decided I didn’t like school anymore.

When my mom got home and came inside the house, she was stunned to see me sitting there. She asked me where I was so I told her that people were chasing me and I had to hide a lot so I could make it home from school where my brother had taken me. She gave me a hug and said that everyone was out searching for me along the river.

Shortly thereafter, she got in touch with the police department and told them I was home and safe, and to call off the search. When my older brother came home, he was amazed that I out foxed everyone that day.

At 4 years old, I seemed to have had all of my faculties in order, to escape if need be.

Little did I know that I would be going to government boarding school the next year and would be forced to stand at attention with a lot of other boys. No more moccasins, no more long hair, no family, no more of our native language. Whenever I, or any other child slipped by saying an Indian word, the teachers would wash our mouths out with soap. If the mean old man was nearby and heard me say an Indian word, he would slap me so hard, I would usually fall to the ground. I knew then that I, too, was one of his prisoners.

Since those days, I’ve had a block against education. But I do not have a block against learning. I also do not have a block against loving all people from all walks of life. Love and kindness is where it’s at.

The government boarding school days may have taken away our freedom for a time, and tried their best to brainwash us, but they could never take away our spirit. They are now gone and we are still here.

For many of us, these difficult experiences can be used as a tool over a lifetime. I have used my sadnesses to learn the act of forgiveness. And when you’ve learned these lessons, your spirit finds peace and life is good.


‪#‎forgiveness‬ ‪#‎boardingschools‬ ‪#‎nativeamericans‬

I was still a young boy when we moved out of our tipi here on the Warm Springs Reservation that was situated along the Shitike Creek. We moved into a small house that my mother bought for $100. This house was relocated to our small piece of property we had here on the rez.

It was very strange to open my eyes first thing in the morning to a box house, in comparison to a tipi. There were no more fires to wake up to, and the sound of the river was no more. It seemed that our old way of life was gone forever.

My older brother started Kindergarten and had to walk 1 mile to his classes every day. I felt sad when he would leave for school because I had to stay home all day. I often wished I was old enough to go to school, with him.

One day, my brother felt sorry for me and asked if I would like to go to with him to his Kindergarten class. I said yes, of course, and was one happy little guy. So he took my hand and off we went, on the 1 mile hike to school.

When we arrived at his class, I was seated beside my brother, sharing his milk and graham crackers. It wasn't long, maybe minutes, before I fell in love with school. 

But all was short-lived. The teacher escorted me to the door and told me to go home. 

So I found myself standing outside, alone. I then decided to find my way back to our house even though I had never been at this school before. I remembered crossing a river. So I proceeded to walk away, enjoying my new adventure to find my house and my mom.

As I started walking along, on the outside of the school property, I noticed a lot of older boys standing at attention on campus. They were being reprimanded by a mean sounding white man who was yelling at them for no apparent reason. I thought he must have captured those boys and they were his prisoners. I had no idea that they were attending a government boarding school, or even what a boarding school was at that time.

At this point, I was getting concerned by all of this, at the vulnerable young age of 4. All I knew is that I did not want to be captured and forced to stand there with them. I walked slowly in their direction, thinking that if I walked slow and quiet, they might not notice me. I had no choice but to go that route because I knew my home was somewhere in that direction.

All of a sudden, that mean old man saw me. He began to holler at me, saying 'Hey!!!'. He scared me and I stopped in my tracks, not knowing what to do next. He said very loudly.,.. 'Come here!!!'. I then took a step backwards. With each one of his commands, I retreated step by step, because I refused to go with him. Once again he yelled at me.... 'I said COME HERE!', and it was more than clear to me that he was extremely angry.

So, I started to run across a field towards a steep hill that goes to the river. That mean old guy then ordered all the boys to get me and bring me to him. I ran as fast as I could, for all I was worth. To me at that age, I was running for my life.

When I neared the crest of the hill, I looked back and saw about 50 boys coming after me. Some of them were big and could run fast so I had to think quickly. I came upon a trail that led to the bottom of the hill and I let the boys see me turn left on it so that they would think I was on the trail heading to the river. When I disappeared from their sight, I immediately turned right to get off the trail.

I then crawled into some sage brush and worked my way to the top of the hill. I laid silent and still. Several of these boys ran right past me and continued down the hill while others ran over the hill thinking they would cut me off at the bottom near the river. 

As I laid there under the sagebrush, quiet as a mouse, I heard voices all over the place, coming from below the hill. They were again at the bottom of the hill while I was at the top. It sure was a relief to me.

I then peeked over the hill and didn't see anyone so off I went, along a path where no one could detect me. I knew I had to get to the road that crosses the river in order to get home.

When I finally made my way closer to the bridge, I saw police cars patrolling the area.  I realized that I had a new problem. I had to cross the bridge without being seen. Police cars were everywhere.

I finally made it to the lower side of the bridge but had to make my way across it by scaling the outside of the structure, hidden from view. Whenever I heard a car coming, I would freeze and hold still, hoping that anyone going by would be looking up river.

I finally made it across the 100 ft. bridge. I ducked into the cattails along a small creek that I was familiar with. I then felt safe enough and proceeded to sneak home. 

When I arrived, my mother was gone. I was the only one home. But I was happy. After that day, I decided I didn't like school anymore.

When my mom got home and came inside the house, she was stunned to see me sitting there. She asked me where I was so I told her that people were chasing me and I had to hide a lot so I could make it home from school where my brother had taken me. She gave me a hug and said that everyone was out searching for me along the river.

Shortly thereafter, she got in touch with the police department and told them I was home and safe, and to call off the search. When my older brother came home, he was amazed that I out foxed everyone that day. 

At 4 years old, I seemed to have had all of my faculties in order, to escape if need be. :)

Little did I know that I would be going to government boarding school the next year and would be forced to stand at attention with a lot of other boys. No more moccasins, no more long hair, no family, no more of our native language. Whenever I, or any other child slipped by saying an Indian word, the teachers would wash our mouths out with soap. If the mean old man was nearby and heard me say an Indian word, he would slap me so hard, I would usually fall to the ground. I knew then that I, too, was one of his prisoners.

Since those days, I've had a block against education. But I do not have a block against learning. I also do not have a block against loving all people from all walks of life. Love and kindness is where it's at.

The government boarding school days may have taken away our freedom for a time, and tried their best to brainwash us, but they could never take away our spirit. They are now gone and we are still here.

For many of us, these difficult experiences can be used as a tool over a lifetime. I have used my sadnesses to learn the act of forgiveness. And when you've learned these lessons, your spirit finds peace and life is good.


#forgiveness #boardingschools #nativeamericans

My Street Grocery

My Street Grocery | Values Matter | Whole Foods Market

Bringing fresh food to the neighborhoods – Too often, good food seems to belong to people living advantaged lifestyles, while the rest are left to forage thr…